10 Decisions New Masters Of The Universe Movie Must Get Right

10. The Clark Kent Dilemma

Prince Adam Looking back, the original action figures and cartoon were both made with a...modest budget. It was surely cheaper and easier to have Prince Adam and his alter ego just look the same and throw him a change of clothes. At least Superman dons a set of horn-rimmed specs to disguise himself as Clark Kent. Prince Adam didn't even change up his anti-masculine page boy haircut when he changed into the strongest man in the galaxy. This was a decision the 2002 cartoon got right. These days, even fantasy films are made with a bit more realism. The right decision: To give the film some added credibility and help the audience to suspend disbelief, it would go a long way if they made Adam and He-Man look different. The wrong decision: Keep them the same or eliminate Adam completely (which didn't work for the Lundgren version!).

George is a life-long fan of genre, wrestling and guitars. He is an actor, writer, CrossFit trainer and former WWE storyline writer. He currently works as talent development for PWX wrestling and resides in the birthplace of the zombie movie, Pittsburgh, PA.