10 Deeply Depressing Origin Stories Of Horror Villains

5. Michael Myers

Michael Myers
Dimension Films

In this case, it's the lesser-loved Rob Zombie version. Few may have approved of what Zombie did with the iconic Michael Myers in his Halloween movies (still better than Kung-Fu Busta Rhymes), nobody can deny he brought us a horrifyingly plausible serial killer in the making.

Mom's a sad stripper, dad's an abusive alcoholic, Doctor Loomis cares more about himself than helping the kid. And that haircut. After beating a bully to death in the woods with an exceptionally large stick, little Michael goes right on home and murders his dad, his sister (not that one) and her boyfriend.

While this story isn't particularly original as serial killer origins go, Zombie directs the family like something out of a foul-mouthed, white trash Devil's Rejects sequel. With a family like that, who can blame little Michael Myers.

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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.