10 Deeply Disturbing Disney And Pixar Fan Fictions

6. Feed The Birds

Beauty And The Beast NSFW
Buena Vista

This Mary Poppins themed fan fiction is undoubtedly the purest on this list, so it rightly belongs smack ban in the middle – a handy palate cleanser from all the smut and depravity if you will. You’re welcome.

Feed the Birds sees our heroine randomly brought back to London on a snowy, wintry day via a gust of wind and her magical umbrella where she bumps into her old pal Bert outside of St Paul’s Cathedral. But whereas a lot of Mary Poppins fanfics would now devolve into a stereotypical sex scene between Bert and Mary, in this story the object of Mary’s affections isn’t an affable Cockney chimneysweep but Bird Woman or Clara as she’s called here who’s there hawking her birdseed.

Egged on by Bert, Mary reveals how she knows the Bird Woman. Apparently, they were old school friends before Clara started to age and Mary stayed eternally young, and while still whippersnappers the two bonded over birds and Mary occasionally whisked her away to a secret spot in the countryside with her magical umbrella.

At Bert’s insistence, Mary makes contact with her long-lost friend and it soon seems they were actually a bit more than just friends because before long they’re locked in an embrace kissing each other. The story ends with Bert witnessing Mary and Clara disappearing, presumably back to that secret spot to get reacquainted with each other. Aww.

Choice Quote: “Clara turned her face up to Mary, then paused, sunken eyes searching the stern beauty of the woman before her.”

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