10 Deeply Disturbing Horror Films You Probably Missed

1. Infection (2004)

url-2 Infection is a highly sick and disturbing Japanese film whose ultimate plot resolution I could not figure out and whose Byzantine plot would take hours to explain. I will give you the bare details of the plot, but I seriously urge you to snap this one up as it is gory, creepy, suspenseful, intricate, compelling and disturbing all in one. Things are going badly in a run-down hospital in Japan. The doctors and nurses have accidentally killed a patient and are trying to cover it up. A plague ridden patient has been dumped in the corridor by paramedics. One by one all of the nurses and doctors go mad, injure themselves and spout green goo. These scenes are really freaky and disturbing. It seems that it is a virus that is caught by the mind. The morning staff come in and see no green goo - the hospital looks like a madman has been slaughtering everyone. The one doctor left basically goes nuts and there is a nasty twist for a female doctor on the morning shift. This sounds complicated but it is highly absorbing and horrific to watch. Typical of Japanese horror films, it is non-linear which is highly effective but can knock you off balance if you are not used to it. Japanese films tend to contain a lot of symbolism and metaphor compared to say the like of American horror films so you can read this film on many levels. I vastly prefer it to Ringu and Ju on as it is so darn creepy and clever. I don't think it has gotten the recognition in the West as so many of its Fellow Japanese films. Watch it today and I defy you not to be just even a tiny bit disturbed! Like this list? Have many of these disturbing horror flicks have you seen? Let us know in the comments section below.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!