10 Deeply Disturbing Horror Films You Probably Missed

2. May (2002)

url-16 May is a little genius of a film that has never really gotten the recognition it deserves. May is a bit of a social outcast with a wonky eye. Her only friend is a boxed doll called Suzie that her mother made for her. She has a job at the vets. Overcoming her gaucheness, she makes friends with a guy called Adam who shows her a film about cannibalism he made at film school. This turns May on and she bites Adam while kissing him. This does not go down well and Adam blows her off completely. May gives in to the sexual advances of a lesbian co worker who betrays he with another woman. May believes that Suzie is talking to her. Things get progressively worse for May until she fixates on people's body parts. She becomes a latter day Dr. Frankenstein - chopping people up for specific parts that she likes and sewing them together. She calls her new friend Amy. But she knows Amy can't see her and this drives May to gouge her own eye out. May is a bit of a slow burner - it takes a long time to get established and then it becomes rapidly disturbing as May loses her marbles and becomes murderous. Angela Bettis who plays May puts in a fantastic controlled performance - a misfit at first leading up to cracked up murderer - she never hams it up and her performance is all too believable. The director Lucky McKee makes us identify with May. We have all been knocked back, overcome adversity, had a meltdown of some sorts. It is a highly intelligent film that will get under your skin and stay there - it is very affecting psychologically.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!