10 Delayed Sequels That Really Weren't Worth The Wait

9. Psycho II (23 Years)

Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho is one of the most influential genre movies ever made, not to mention one of the most iconic. A full 23 years after the movie's release, a sequel was made and by 1990 there had been a further two follow-ups, and a made-for-TV spin-off. Psycho was never intended to have a sequel, and the second entry turned out to be no more than an acceptable slasher. Anthony Perkins and Vera Miles returned as Norman Bates and Lila Loomis respectively, with the plot following Norman after his release from a mental institution where he had spent 22 years. With the shadow of Hitchcock's masterpiece looming over it, director Richard Franklin was never going to make a movie that came anywhere close to greatness. While Psycho II is by no means a terrible movie, it is nonetheless an unneeded and distinctly average one.

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