10 Deleted Movie Scenes You Won’t Believe Actually Happened

5. Pennywise Eats A Baby - It

Harley Quinn Deadshot
Green/Epstein Productions

Yep, this actually happened. Or at least, it was shot.

As Bill Skarsgard revealed on the Playback podcast a few years ago, a scene was filmed for the first It feature which focused on the backstory of the demented being that would eventually become Pennywise.

This sequence "turned out really, really disturbing,", according to the actor himself, and was ultimately left on the cutting room floor.

Later down the road, the script used to shoot this freakish moment was then leaked online, revealing that the deleted scene in question would've involved the earlier form of Pennywise devouring a baby girl in front of her own mother.

By the sounds of it, the exchange would've been up there with some of the monster's most barbaric and gruesome acts to date. But the sight of an innocent child being eaten alive by this creature would've likely been a bit much for more than a few, so it's no surprise everyone involved decided to spare audiences the horror of this horrific act on the big screen.

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Suicide Squad
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...