10 Deleted Movie Scenes You Won’t Believe Actually Happened

6. Logan Kills Jean Grey (Again) - Logan

Harley Quinn Deadshot
20th Century Studios

James Mangold's Logan wasn't afraid to delve into deeper and darker waters, with the Old Man Logan-inspired tale constantly reminding us that life ain't all sunshine and rainbows during its 137-minute runtime.

But many will be surprised to learn that arguably one of the film's bleakest moments - and, boy, is that saying something - didn't even make it into the finished product. Coming during the scene which saw Logan, Charles, and Laura enjoying some dinner with a family they'd helped in the wake of a road accident, when asked whether ol' Wolvie was ever married, Professor X drops a tragic bombshell.

Charles explains that Logan was in fact married to Jean Grey, a character fans of the X-Men flicks and comics knew only too well. However, the Professor would also add that "she passed", thoroughly killing the mood by stating that "he killed her".

Mangold has gone on record to admit that while he liked the moment in isolation, "when cut into the movie it had a powerful effect of damping that moment". Yet, it is interesting to note that Logan once again was seemingly responsible for the death of his beloved Jean.

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