10 Deleted Movie Scenes You Won’t Believe Actually Happened

3. An Alien Crab Walk - Alien

Harley Quinn Deadshot
20th Century Studios

The age-old adage of "less is more" usually lends itself perfectly to the creation and execution of a movie monster on the big screen. One glance at the way Steven Spielberg had his audience do the heavy lifting for him when bringing big ol' Brucie to life (and into our nightmares) in Jaws sits as perhaps the most notable example of this.

However, Ridley Scott's delivery of his Xenomorph in Alien undoubtedly comes in as a close second. While Scott did masterfully use the all-round dark and gloominess of his chosen Nostromo setting to effectively tease the appearance of the terrifying creature for the most part, one scene which failed to make the cut very nearly derailed all of the suspense that had been brilliantly building.

Instead of having the alien creepily maraud towards Lambert before ultimately ending her life in a sickening fashion, the original cut of the scene had the Xenomorph perform what can best be described as a crab walk towards its prey.

It looked as hilarious as it sounds and quickly shifted the vibe from intense to ludicrous. Luckily, Scott made the right call to leave this version of the scene in the editing room.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...