10 Deleted Movie Scenes You Won’t Believe Actually Happened

2. J. Jonah Spider-Man? - Spider-Man 2

Harley Quinn Deadshot
Sony Pictures

If you thought J.K. Simmons' unexpected appearance at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home was the most shocking scene involving the actor in full J. Jonah Jameson guise, then do we have a treat for you.

Released as part of Sony's Spider-Man 2.1 extended cut of the sequel to Sam Raimi's first spider-hit, we somehow found ourselves in a situation which depicted Jameson jumping around his office in the web-slinger's iconic suit, all with his trademark cigar in mouth.

This moment had come on the back of Peter Parker famously dropping the Spider-Man mantle in said sequel, even going as far as to throw his suit in the trash. The attire then ends up in Jonah's possession in the theatrical cut after being fished out of the bins by a passer-by and delivered to The Daily Bugle.

Yet, things take a turn in the extended version when the loud-mouth Editor-in-Chief strangely opts to take the spidey-suit out for a test drive.

It certainly makes for a barmy visual, but it no doubt would've felt out of place in the originally released film. But, never fear, Spider-Jonah may just pop up in a multiverse near you going forward...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...