10 Deleted Scenes Cut From Quentin Tarantino Movies

7. Trudi & Rick Dalton's Third Encounter - Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Kill Bill Volume 2 Bill Michael Jai White
Sony Pictures Releasing

One of the easy highlights of Tarantino's newest film is Trudi Fraser (Julia Butters), Rick Dalton's (Leonardo DiCaprio) precocious, 8-year-old co-star while shooting the pilot episode of "Lancer."

Butters steals both scenes she appears in, though it was revealed post-release that the young actress also filmed a spectacular third scene in the original, 4-hour-and-20-minute cut of the movie.

Though we don't know the particulars of the exchange beyond it being a phone call between Trudi and Rick, producer David Heyman said, "If she was in, she'd get an Oscar nomination for that performance," before adding that it ultimately "didn't serve the film."

Speaking of the same scene, editor Fred Raskin deemed it one of the best Tarantino has ever written, and yet despite clearly being fully edited together, it sadly never materialised on the film's Blu-ray release. For shame.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.