10 Deleted Scenes Cut From Quentin Tarantino Movies

3. Bill The Killer - Kill Bill Vol. 2

Kill Bill Volume 2 Bill Michael Jai White

One of the most surprising aspects of the Kill Bill saga is that we never see much of Bill (David Carradine) in action himself, all the more so given that Tarantino actually filmed an extensive flashback showcasing Bill's skills - which mercifully made it onto the film's home video release.

In the scene, Bill and The Bride (Uma Thurman) are accosted by a Cockney-accented man (Michael Jai White) who claims that Bill killed his master. When the man sends his lackeys to fight Bill, Bill effortlessly cuts them down, leading to a mano a mano fight.

After a solid back-and-forth, Bill finally gets the better of the man, slitting his throat with his sword and leaving him to quickly bleed out while The Bride looks in in fascination.

It's an awesome scene that would've fit the movie perfectly, and given that Kill Bill Volume 2 is "only" 136 minutes long - a positively lithe runtime for the director - there was clearly room for the scene to be included.

Tarantino allegedly nixed it for the sake of pacing, but given that we otherwise get virtually nothing of Bill in combat throughout either movie, it's a damn shame this didn't make the cut.

At least Tarantino was good enough to make it available to fans, though.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.