10 Deleted Scenes Cut From Quentin Tarantino Movies

2. Zoë Bell's Backstory - Django Unchained

Kill Bill Volume 2 Bill Michael Jai White

Though Broomhilda is undeniably the most under-developed major character in Django Unchained, there is an altogether more minor character who begged for a substantial fleshing-out.

That character is credited simply as "Tracker," but in addition to being played by Tarantino's regular stuntwoman Zoë Bell, is presented as a badass, mysterious Candyland tracker in her few moments on-screen, wearing a red bandana over her face.

Despite Tarantino's focus on her, she's gunned down by Django moments later, and that's all she wrote. Well, not quite.

On the film's press tour, Bell opened up that her role was originally supposed to be much larger, with an unfilmed scene revealing her backstory and that her lower-jaw was missing, in addition to an extended fight scene.

As for why this enticing material never made it before cameras? In Bell's own words, "There was a backstory and there was going to be a fight sequence...but I guess when you're getting such brilliant s**t with Leo and Jamie and Christoph, you just keep shooting and time got kind of crunchy."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.