10 Deleted Scenes That Actually Improve Movie Characters

7. Regina George's Forgiveness - Mean Girls (2004)

One of the best - and most quotable - teen comedies ever committed to celluloid, Mark Waters and Tina Fey's Mean Girls defines high school politics in the pre-social media era, following Cady Heron (a pre-incarceration Lindsay Lohan) who transitions from home to public schooling at the tender age of 16.

This deleted scene takes place during the dance, after queen bee Regina George (Rachel McAdams) has been taken down a peg or two (primarily by a bus). Here, Regina provides some insight into why she did what she did (photocopying hateful pages from her Burn Book and spreading them around the school, leading to cat fights, chaos and criminal charges).

Although Regina retains her typical catty demeanour, and doesn't go all warm, gooey and weak at the knees, she and Cady manage to share a real moment, talking things over, laughing and communicating like human beings rather than the sneaky, backstabbing, underhand interactions typical to 'girl world'.

It's another humanising moment for a pretty unforgivable character and, while not strictly necessary, as all the girls find common ground with Cady's tiara-breaking actions at the dance, this scene shows Regina's change in more depth.

If that's not just so fetch, we don't know what is.


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.