10 Deleted Scenes That Made Movies Way Darker

9. Seth Creates A Baboon-Cat - The Fly

Mad Max Fury Road

David Cronenberg's masterful 1986 remake of The Fly is plenty dark as it is, but it's also suffused with an undercurrent of tender humanity which prevents the body horror from ever becoming too much.

But the balance may have been irreparably tipped had Cronenberg included the infamous "baboon-cat" deleted scene, in which a desperate Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum) attempts to figure out a way to reverse his progressive transformation into a human-fly creature by experimentally fusing a baboon and a cat.

The resulting creature is a horrifying abomination, a grotesque critter which attacks Seth before flailing around in agony. Seth then does the only thing that can be done at that point, beating the monstrosity to death with a lead pipe.

The problem with the scene is that it erodes a major portion of the audience's sympathy for Seth. After already killing one baboon in his first experiment, doing so a second time - and brutally beating the creature to death, no less - was a step too far.

After the scene received a hostile audience response during a test screening, Cronenberg made the decision to cut it entirely, while now allowing fans to enjoy it as a deleted scene curio.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.