10 Deleted Scenes That Made Movies Way Darker

5. Bruce Banner Attempts Suicide - The Incredible Hulk

Mad Max Fury Road
Marvel Studios

2008's Edward Norton-starring Incredible Hulk film originally had a totally different opening sequence, in which Bruce Banner (Norton) heads to the Arctic with the intention of committing suicide.

However, when Banner readies the gun to shoot himself, he ends up transforming into the Hulk, who promptly crushes the pistol and prevents him from doing himself in.

Ultimately it was decided that the scene was just too dark for a PG-13 movie aimed at younger audiences, and so it was scrapped.

However, Joss Whedon did make sure to mention a similar incident in 2012's Avengers, when Banner explains he tried to shoot himself and the Hulk spat the bullet out.

It's certainly an interesting opening, though considering that the film generally paints Banner as a problem solver rather than someone liable to give up, perhaps it's not the most fitting introduction to the character.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.