10 Deleted Scenes That Made Movies Way Darker

4. Daniel & Miranda's Brutal Argument - Mrs. Doubtfire

Mad Max Fury Road

More than 30 minutes' worth of deleted scenes were cut from Mrs. Doubtfire, which would've transformed it into an epic, two-and-a-half-hour meditation on the destructive power of divorce.

Most of these scenes flesh out the impact of the divorce upon not only Daniel (Robin Williams) and Miranda (Sally Field) but also their three children, with a devastating argument scene hitting the nail on the head in particular.

The deleted scene occurs after Miranda learns that Daniel has been disguising himself as the family's kooky titular British nanny, and the two launch into a blazing row while their children listen upstairs.

This culminates in daughter Lydia (Lisa Jakub) stopping the argument dead in its tracks by shouting, "I hate you both!" at her parents, and running upstairs followed by her tearful siblings.

It's an incredibly written and acted scene, but perhaps upends the film's tone too far in the way of Serious Drama.

It's an understandable cut, especially in a film already clocking in at two whole hours, though thankfully such a superb scene wasn't lost to time entirely.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.