10 Deleted Scenes That Radically Change Famous Films

3. Loki Is Actually The Rightful Heir To Asgard

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has something of a problem when it comes to antagonists, which is probably why they'€™re so eager to use Tom Hiddleston'€™s trickster god Loki as much as possible. Even when he was clashing with the Earth€™s Mightiest Heroes in Avengers and supposedly teaming up with his adoptive brother in The Dark World, Loki has been after one thing: the throne of Asgard, held by his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins rocking that tin foil eye patch), supposedly due to go to Thor instead.

Except a deleted scene from the first Thor film reveals that the god of thunder might not be the rightful heir after all. After confronting his mother about the revelation that he€™s part-frost giant over Odin€™'s death bed, the absent Thor and sleepy king means that Loki is crowned king of Asgard. Technically, nobody ever took that back from him, so his constant attempts to seize power in the later films are more him trying to remind people of that than an actual evil plot.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/