10 Deleted Scenes Which Solve Baffling Movie Mysteries

1. What Happened To Allyson's Douchebag Boyfriend? - Halloween (2018)

Halloween Cameron

The Mystery:

The new Halloween sequel features one especially aggravating loose end - beyond Michael Myers disappearing at the end, of course - and that's the unresolved fate of Allyson's (Andi Matichak) boyfriend Cameron (Dylan Arnold).

Mid-way through the movie he's caught cheating on Allyson at a party, and it feels like David Gordon Green is setting the character up for a brutally violent death later on...but it never comes and he's never seen again.

So, what actually did happen to Cameron?

The Deleted Scene:

Disappointingly, Green didn't even shoot a death scene for Cam, yet did go to the effort of filming a follow-up which shows what happened to him after the party.

After two cops tell Cam and Allyson to go home, Cam's belligerence gets him arrested and shoved in the back of a squad car for his troubles.

Short of Cameron getting his comeuppance in the inevitable sequel, this just felt like a huge waste of a potentially awesome death scene.

He certainly deserved it more than Vicky (Virginia Gardner), that's for sure.

Should these deleted scenes have made the cut, or is the mystery best left preserved? Shout it out in the comments!


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.