10 Deleted Star Wars Scenes That Explain Confusing Moments
1. How Close Were Luke And Biggs? - A New Hope
Biggs Darklighter might just be the most mysterious character in all of Star Wars history. The final cut of A New Hope shows him to be one of the Rebel Alliance's most capable pilots, and he embraces Luke Skywalker as an old friend when the two are reunited on the eve of the Death Star attack on Yavin 4.
It's revealed that the two of them do indeed have a long history of friendship and that their embracing on Yavin was intended to be much more meaningful than what the final cut offered.
One of Lucas' deleted scenes from the film show Luke and Biggs having a final meeting together, sharing drinks and stories about their future paths. There's a real openness between the pair, sharing their affections for eachother and playfully talking about old times with a nice amount of nostalgia in their voices.
This deleted scene not only makes Luke look even more like a warm and friendly hero, but it develops a relationship that has become famous for being seemingly underdeveloped by the Star Wars universe before. It also answers the question of why Luke looked genuinely affected by Biggs' death at the hands of Darth Vader before his trench run.