10 Deleted Star Wars Scenes That Should Have Been Left In

7. The Death Of Shaak Ti - Revenge Of The Sith

Poor Shaak Ti. An accomplished and well-respected Jedi Master, she served on the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars and was often stationed on Kamino, training the new clone recruits.

In Revenge of the Sith, she had two major deaths filmed. One deleted scene sees her killed by General Grievous aboard his ship, but this is now no longer regarded as canon.

Her canon death comes in a deleted scene during Darth Vader's siege of the Jedi Temple. She is seen meditating, and senses Vader enter without noticing that her former friend has turned to the Dark Side. He stabs her through the chest without a word.

Her canon death was most recently confirmed in the Clone Wars TV series, where both Anakin and Yoda are shown visions of her demise.

It would have been a great addition to the film, confirming the Jedi Master's fate and allowing fans to see more of the battle at the Jedi Temple.

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.