10 Despicable Movie Villains From The Last Decade We All Loved To Hate

8. Colin Sullivan €“ The Departed (2006)

''Last time I checked, I tipped you off and you're not in jail.''
Played By: Matt Damon The Villain: Chivato. Judas. Grass. There are many words to describe a rat and none of them are complimentary and Colin Sullivan is a devious rat of epic cinematic proportions. Sullivan is the unctuous and creepy protégé of South Boston's biggest gangster, Frank Costello, who is groomed from a young age to join the police force with the sole aim of leaking information back to Costello. Smug and phony, Sullivan's actions ruin lives and get good men killed as he goes about his business deceiving everyone around him. Most Despicable Moment: Sullivan abuses the powers of his position and has Capt. Queenan followed to a rendezvous with undercover officer Billy Costigan. He gives the location to Costello whose goons proceed to murder Queenan by the grisly method of head meeting sidewalk via rooftop. To add insult to serious injury, Sullivan infers Queenan was the rat all along and ruins the man's reputation. Sullivan lies and murders his way clear of any suspicions but audiences finally get some satisfaction when he gets his comeuppance; Marky Mark Walhberg turns up and pops a cap in his a**.
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Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.