10 Despicable Movie Villains From The Last Decade We All Loved To Hate

7. Hilly Holbrook €“ The Help (2011)

''Maybe I can't send you to jail for what you wrote, but I can send you for being a thief.''
Played By: Bryce Dallas Howard The Villain: Hilly Holbrook is the main antagonist in Tate Taylor's adaptation of The Help, the novel by Kathryn Stockett. She is the small town's resident bully. Snooty, racist and manipulative, Hilly torments the poor 'help', a collection of black maids unfortunate enough to work for her family, in a variety of ways in 1960s Mississippi. Hilly is a tormentor of those less fortunate than herself and is filled with repugnant and ignorant ideology that makes her a devil in a floral dress. Most Despicable Moment: Hilly's ignorance and own sense of self-importance leads her to propose the Home Help Sanitation Initiative; effectively barring black people from using the same bathrooms as white people because 'black people carry different diseases to white people'. In one of 2011's most satisfying scenes, the help get their revenge of Hilly in the form of a chocolate pie spiked with faeces (not quite finger licking good). From that moment on, the chief bully in town is known as 'Two Slice Hilly'.
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Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.