10 Devastating Film Deaths That Came Out Of Nowhere

7. Quicksilver - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Avengers Age Of Ultron Quicksilver
Marvel Studios

Though there have been lots of world-ending threats in the MCU to date, the only real deaths have been limited to either the villains or supporting characters (and in the case of Agent Coulson, not even permanently). This is a world built by Disney after all, even with alien invasions, killer robots and nefarious capitalist pigs - so it's not like they'd be particularly trigger happy.

And even with Joss Whedon - who loves an impactful death - in charge of the first two Avengers movies, it looked unlikely that Disney would allow someone important to be killed off. Hell, they probably wouldn't even allow a new character whose death would rip his sister's heart in two and potentially cause her to implode or seek the love of a robo-Jesus type... Would they?

That's precisely what they did do, though. After teasing Hawkeye's dead meat status for almost two hours, Whedon had young Quicksilver save him but die in the process, sending a shockwave felt most profoundly by his sister Scarlet Witch.

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