10 Directors For Star Wars Episode 9

6. Colin Trevorrow

Colin Trevorrow Much like Gunn, indie director Colin Trevorrow is a bit of a gamble for the time being, though he made waves when he snagged the gig of a lifetime by following up his acclaimed, low-fi debut Safety Not Guaranteed with the currently-filming Jurassic World. Trevorrow's reputation with big budgets and mountainous expectations will depend entirely on how well the fourth Jurassic Park movies does (and from the images we've seen so far, we're hopeful), but if he nails it, you can guarantee he'll become a big name in Hollywood over the next few years. Of course, with the potential success of Jurassic World will surely come the offer for Trevorrow to return to the director's chair for any sequels, which will surely be trundled out considerably faster than the previous movies in the series. Still, if he fancies turning his hand to something else, Episode IX could very well be his gig to lose: it will depend largely on whether Disney is actively seeking out directors for the film now, or whether they will be courting filmmakers next year or in 2016. Given how Rian Johnson has already been picked for 2017's Episode VIII, though, we suspect they may already be putting together a list for Episode IX, and so this may work against the currently untested Trevorrow. How Likely Is It? 3/10

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.