10 Directors For Star Wars Episode 9

4. Anthony & Joe Russo

Anthony and Joe Russo were a damn strange pick for directing Captain America: The Winter Soldier, having previously directed episodes of Arrested Development and Community, and the wretched Owen Wilson "comedy" You, Me and Dupree. That said, against the odds, they pulled off one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's best movies to date, and are unsurprisingly already attached to direct the third Cap film for 2016. Time-wise, this one looks like it would work out pretty well, as a 2016 bow for Cap would give the brothers plenty of time to prepare for Episode IX afterwards, and if Captain America 3 is even half as impressive as The Winter Soldier, we'd be glad for them to get the gig. The Winter Soldier may have been one of the more grounded and "realistic" of the MCU movies to date, but given how much the pair surprised us with the movie, we think they'd probably take a jump into space opera territory completely in their stride. How Likely Is It? 7/10

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.