10 Directors Who Always Make The Same Movie

7. Christopher Nolan

chris nolan

The Movie: The Technically Superb Blockbuster That Should Be R-Rated Again, I would never begin to criticise Christopher Nolan, because the guy is one of the best directors working today, and to his credit, the first three features he made were suitably R-rated affairs. It's not exactly inconceivable either that his Batman trilogy would be aimed at the PG-13 crowd, but the problem is that the dark, realistic tone Nolan has worked into the Caped Crusader's mythos doesn't quite mesh that well with a PG-13 rating. There are so many moments in Nolan's films that would have been improved if the films were rated-R - the awkward editing when The Joker cuts a guy's face, and Bane's mercenaries failing to hit most of the police officers despite having a clear line of fire are the most egregious moments. Given how technically proficient Nolan's films are, to restrict them in such a pronounced way is to limit him as an artist; if Nolan were given the same edgy material usually afforded to a director like Scorsese, just imagine to what heights the already superb director could ascend.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.