10 Directors Who Bailed On Their Own Movie Franchises (But Should Have Stuck Around)

2. Paul Greengrass - Bourne


Paul Greengrass was not the originator of the Bourne franchise, but he absolutely is the creative voice, building on Doug Liman's sturdy framework, transforming Bourne into an ultra-realistic action series (none of that diving-down-stairs-while-shooting-someone nonsense) that turned out to be enormously successful.

The dream team pairing of Matt Damon and Greengrass ensured that The Bourne Ultimatum slew the box office, won over critics and even earned a few Academy Awards along the way, so we were all a little perturbed when it was announced that a fourth film was being planned, but neither Damon nor Greengrass was involved. What, we thought, was the point?

The Bourne Legacy came and went without much fanfare, though a fifth film in the franchise is being planned with Renner once again returning. Rumours persist that Greengrass and Damon might join the production, and though that would damn-near guarantee a certain quality of film, I just can't see it happening.


Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.