1. Jason Friedburg and Aaron Seltzer
Date Movie, Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans, Disaster Movie, Vampires Suck Jason Friedburg and Aaron Seltzer give a bad name for comedy - very few genuinely funny movies are made today in the first place but Friedburg and Seltzer are a malignant cancer to cinema. They take your favourite movies and attempt to parody them in the laziest and most thoughtless way imaginable. Entry level pop culture references and mocking 300 for being a bit camp is not comedy, it's a pathetic attempt to earn a quick buck off something popular, only they always miss the boat completely. The first Twilight movie came out in 2008 and this duo's Twilight parody came out in 2010 - every single 'joke' in the movie had been made and not laughed at by the time their film came out. The worst thing is, Friedburg and Seltzer's films do great business at the box office so they continue to be funded. The don't even cast actors in their movies - television personalities such as Carmen Electra and Kim Kardashian poison the screen, making the audience loathe them with a passion. Flatulence jokes were never funny, but Friedburg and Seltzer never got the message as they are a staple of their abominations. Every single one of their movies is juvenile, adolescent rubbish that looks as if it's been directed by a 15 year-old media student who has never picked up a camera before. I've seen sixth-form amateur films with better production qualities and wittier scripts than the vomit Friedburg and Seltzer spew out. To put it simply, they're a black mark against American cinema.
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