10 Directors Who Should Helm The Batman (If Affleck Quits)

1. Denis Villeneuve

Kevin Smith Batman
A24 Films

Known For: Arrival, Sicario, Blade Runner 2049 (upcoming).

If someone were to make a list of the most talented directors working in Hollywood today, there's a good chance that Denis Villeneuve would make it pretty high on that list.

He's demonstrated his ability to work with action films (Sicario), thrillers (Prisoners) and sci-fi (Arrival), with the latter commonly being cited as one of the best movies of 2016.

Those three pillars would undoubtedly come in handy when directing The Batman, which needs strong action layered on top of a compelling story, and since the DCEU is a world full of gods and monsters, a tinge of sci-fi will probably be present, too - and Arrival proved Villeneuve can handle other-worldly concepts, but in a grounded way, which, if the film is to indeed involve a hint of the fantastical, is exactly what The Batman needs.

Villeneuve has even been likened to a young Christopher Nolan; the latter also made smaller, thought-provoking films like Memento and Following before jumping on-board with Batman, and given how well that turned out - history is firmly on Denis Villeneuve's side.

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