10 Directors Who Should Helm The Batman (If Affleck Quits)

2. James Mangold

Kevin Smith Batman
2013 Getty Images

Known For: Logan (upcoming), The Wolverine, 3:10 To Yuma (2007).

Mangold is no stranger to the single-superhero scene having directed 2013's The Wolverine and the upcoming Logan, so he'd be in somewhat familiar territory were he chosen to steer Batman's solo outing.

The tone of Logan doesn't look to be a million miles away from the ideal tone the solo Batman movie should have, either; unwaveringly focused on its titular hero, dark, and carrying a real-world grit that's gained through the use of practical effects and tangible locations, not excessive CGI.

And this is absolutely something we need to see from The Batman, which stars the most grounded superhero in DC's roster. Batman is just a human, with no superpowers to speak of, and ideally, the tone of the film should mirror the character's realistic nature, so the two go hand-in-hand.

Of course, if Logan is terrible, Mangold's chances will inherently be dented, but he's a proven talent regardless, having helmed quality westerns, dramas and the aforementioned The Wolverine.

This genre-hopping ability he has shows that a talented storyteller is a talented storyteller no matter what material you hand them, and this, coupled with his pre-existing superhero experience, will surely put him under consideration.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.