10 Directors You Can Always Trust To Deliver Awesome Films

7. David O€™Russell

7. davidorussell600Notable Films: The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook, I Heart Huckabees I remember seeing I Heart Huckabees in high school and loving every minute. Then in college I saw The Fighter and it was one of the only films I saw that year, besides Black Swan, that truly made me love movies again. It's becoming increasingly rare to find a film that can make you optimistic about Hollywood's ability to give us quality work, and it gave Christian Bale a much deserved Academy Award. Silver Linings Playbook took me by surprise. It wasn't until award season that I decided to give it a view. I love a director who takes chances and plays with expectations. O'Russell is known for defusing serious moments with absurd humor, for instance, I love the scene that shows us Bradley Cooper's character, Pat's personality, struggle, and relationship with his parents in the one scene when he's upset over reading Ernest Hemingway's Farewell to Arms. O€™Russell is piecing together a fine filmography and his upcoming project, American Hustle, the story of two con-artists who pair up with a federal agent in New Jersey. American Hustle has a laundry list of great actors, including Christian Bale, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro, and Louis C.K. and it's out this Christmas. I have a feeling the best is yet to come with O'Russell, keep an eye out.

I'm currently getting my masters in Writing and Publishing in Chicago. I usually fill my time with marathoning great television. My favorite shows are The Sopranos, Mad Men, Six Feet Under, Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Wire, Lost, and so much more. Count on me to write mainly about television.