10 Disappointing Films That Deserve A Second Chance

2. Tomorrowland
tomorrowland clooney

Marketed as a loony hybrid of The Wizard Of Oz and Terminator Genisys, Tomorrowland was one of 2015s biggest flops, making back less than half its $190 million budget in the US. Critics that disliked the film drew attention to the preachiness of the execution and the clumsiness of the storytelling.

Most other scribes seemed to enjoy it, and rightly so because Tomorrowland has heart and soul and spins its exciting tale better than most blockbusters, even throwing in some ecological concerns for good measure. If the film has a flaw, its that the time-shifting narrative is probably a little too complex for the target demographic.

After all, this is your typical story of a teenager, a disillusioned genius and an audio-animatronic robot who travel into space in a rocket hidden beneath the Eiffel Tower. Arriving in an alternate dimension known as Tomorrowland, they find a tachyon machine that shows the future and upon realizing that the apocalypse is imminent attempt to save the Earth.

Got that? Now go see for yourself.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'