The Hype: A Transformers movie without Shia LaBeouf? The fourth film in the mega-successful franchise promised a sure change in direction with Mark Wahlberg appointed as the new lead, leaving us with plenty of hope that Age of Extinction might be a less goofy and more streamlined action extravaganza. The Reality: Incredibly, number four is an even more bloated affair than any of the previous movies: running in at a ridiculously excessive 165 minutes, Age of Extinction takes every bad Michael Bay instinct (absurd product placement, sexism, childish humour and so on) and puts them in a blender, resulting in a sour slurry that only occasionally entertains and exhilarates. The action is still well-crafted and the visuals pop, but little is made of the movie's interesting dinosaur-related premise, and as for the Dinobots themselves? They barely get a look in, only showing up at the tail-end of the movie. Mark Wahlberg is a sure upgrade from LaBeouf's obnoxious protagonist, and Stanley Tucci is hilarious in a supporting role, but for the most part, this is a sequel that just can't live up to its action-packed predecessor Dark of the Moon, even if it avoids being the worst of the series thanks to the universally-loathed Revenge of the Fallen.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.