The Hype: An R-rated comedy starring Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz as a couple trying to retrieve their accidentally-disseminated sex tape? And the screenplay was written by Segel along with frequent collaborator Nicholas Stoller? Sign us up! The Reality: For starters, for an R-rated comedy, Sex Tape doesn't feel very R-rated. Swearing is relatively mild and rarely very funny, and for a movie all about sex, there's very little nudity to speak of at all (despite the movie's claims you'd get to see Diaz in the buff). On top of this, the premise is ludicrously implausible and a problem that, in reality, would easily be solved by anyone with vague technological know-how, but you know what really stinks about this movie above all else? The freaking product placement. Apple apparently don't pay for advertising in any of the movies that feature their products, but it's difficult to believe that when Jason Segel spends a number of scenes talking up the new iPad's various selling points, at which point we can only imagine his soul resembles a withered, dried-up husk. Even the presence of the hilarious Rob Corddry and a cameo by Jack Black can't save a wretched "comedy" that plays it too safe too often and fails to capitalise on its interesting (if patently ridiculous) premise.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.