10 Disappointing Things We Learned About Movies In 2013

6. Pixar€™s Production Issues Continue

Pixar may still hold its title as a near-perfect animation studio, but the past couple of years have been pretty rocky. The double whammy of Best Picture nominations for Up and Toy Story 3 was followed up by the muddled Cars 2 and pretty but flat Brave. What both of those films had in common was a troubled production; both (although Brave was more public and had greater effect on the finished product) had the director ousted in favour of a more assured stalwart. Monsters University, with its anti-convention message and unflinching de-aging of Mike and Sully (who are far from the lovable heroes we once knew) seemed to put the studio back on track. That is until the unthinkable happened. The Good Dinosaur, the tale of an alternate history where the destructive meteorite never hit, first hit a snag when director Bob Peterson was removed after a continuing struggle with the film€™s ending. This was followed with the shocking move of the film€™s release date to late 2015, making 2014 the first year since 2005 to not have a Pixar movie. What makes this incredibly worrying is that Peterson has been with the giant since Toy Story (previous kicked off directors had joined up much later), suggesting things aren't all cereal and whimsy in Emeryville.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.