10 Disappointing Things We Learned About Movies In 2013

5. Johnny Depp Has Chose His Side (And It€™s Kooky)

For the past decade Johnny Depp has defined himself by bipolar career choices. Well known to general audiences for his eccentric Jack Sparrow, eccentric Mad Hatter and eccentric Willy Wonka, he€™s impressed with turns as John Dillinger and J. M. Barrie and even twenty years on still carries much love from Ed Wood and Gilbert Grape. He always seemed happy to balance the mainstream with more 'worthy' efforts, but it seems things aren't going to stay that way. Announcing in July he is toying with the idea of retiring in a few years his upcoming projects could easily become a large part of his legacy. And while there is Wally Pfister's Transcendence which looks like a less flamboyant outing, we can still expect another Pirates Of The Caribbean and Alice In Wonderland in 2016 which means there€™s really an eccentric slant to all this. You may say he€™s just taking opportunity of the offers he gets, but he only signed onto the planned Wonderland sequel after The Lone Ranger bombed, suggesting a desire to salvage his box office clout. Just as Andrew Stanton has gone back to Finding Nemo after fellow Disney flop John Carter (although hopes are higher for that) it€™s a favouring of anything over nothing just to stay in the limelight.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.