10 Disgusting Horror Movies You Watch And Then NEVER Forget

5. Green Room (2015)

Starry Eyes

Green Room has all the skuzziness of a Hostel film and the great effects work to match. It’s full of buildup, with a group of band members, who are barricaded in the green room of a neo-nazi bar, finding themselves completely unprepared to defend themselves against well-armed, ruthless foes. When all of that buildup is released, the violence is unsparing and lasting. We see a full range of what machetes, guns, and attack dogs can do to a human body and the fact that escape seems impossible makes us feel trapped in the viscera that is scattered around the protagonists.

It’s another film that uses blood and gore to great effect. It puts us in claustrophobic scenarios with characters who are confronted by the fragility of themselves and their friends represented in the violence that comes fast and lingers without the hope of being remedied cleanly. It forces us to face the emptiness of violence and its after effects, plunging us into a realistic hell where meaning and morality have vacated and only close confrontations with our own temporarily held-together flesh, blood, and guts remain.

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Starry Eyes
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Reader of books, fan of horror and dogs, reviewer of film, future PhD-haver and writer of limited renown.