10 Disgusting Horror Movies You Watch And Then NEVER Forget

4. The Last House On The Left (1972)

Starry Eyes
Hallmark Releasing

This is one of the extreme horrors that long predates the likes of Saw and Hostel. Wes Craven’s notorious film shocked movie goers with its frank depiction of violence that somewhat mirrored the more unfiltered way the public at large was receiving images of violence from the Vietnam War. The film crosses many kinds of taboos, from sexual assault to bodily mutilation, making an uneasy mix of violence and emotional destruction. Much like Green Room would do 40 years later, Last House on the Left forces the viewer into the emptiness of its violence.

Violence begets violence in a horrific cycle where there is no sense of order and the way in which to achieve justice is to exert the kind of violence that others put on your doorstep. That the violence is drawn out, often sexual, and all too realistic leaves one feeling ill for so many reasons.

Some films try to make the savage work of a chainsaw seem cathartic in a way. In this film, it’s an almost meaningless, violent exercise - a reflection of the most disgusting aspects of our own world.

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Starry Eyes
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Reader of books, fan of horror and dogs, reviewer of film, future PhD-haver and writer of limited renown.