10 Disgustingly Gory Moments in Otherwise Tame Films

3. Basketball of Death - Deadly Friend

basketball death Director Wes Craven has made some iconic horror films in his career; ranging from The Last House on the Left, to A Nightmare on Elm Street and the entire Scream series. There are a few hidden gems amongst his filmography and few stinkers as well. His 1986 sci-fi horror flick Deadly Friend falls into the stinker category as a decidedly dull exercise in the genre. A teenage boy reanimates his dead girlfriend with a microchip and she becomes a robotic killing machine. It€™s all pretty lame actually. However, the film does feature one of the wackiest €“ and straight up over the top gory €“ moments in Craven€™s career. The robotic menace, played by Kristy Swanson, who has super strength, gets revenge on her cranky old neighbor (played by Anne Ramsay from The Goonies) and throws a basketball at her face which causes her entire head to explode. Her headless body, spurting blood, then continues to flail around the room like a chicken that just had its head chopped off. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQAcCTkFMIk It€™s definitely one of the best deaths by basketball you€™ll ever see in a movie.

Chris Gallo, a Connecticut native, has been a movie fan ever since he made his mom rent Airplane! for him as a kid back when video stores still existed. He's been writing film reviews on his own blog (www.mybodymovies.com) since 2005; the same year he graduated from Marist College. He has also contributed film reviews to the movie site DarkHorizons.com. Besides watching movies (horror's his favorite) and adding to his Blu-ray collection, he enjoys running, eating spicy foods, predicting the Oscars, and coming up with creative Halloween costume ideas.