10 Disney+ Star Wars Shows That Disney Need To Make

1. Republic Commando

Darth Vader Inquisitor

The story of 'Boss', 'Scorch', 'Fixer' and 'Sev - collectively 'Delta Squad' - was the focal point of one of the best Star Wars games ever, Republic Commando. It is now time to bring that story from the console to the streaming service.

The squad were brought into canon by The Clone Wars animated series but deserve so much more. A gritty, claustrophobic, live action show depicting the trenches and specialised missions of war as the republic battle the separatists not seen in the main prequel movies would be a special and unique show for fans.

The clones in The Clone Wars steal the show with layers added to their characters that before were seemingly unimaginable. Make it darker, make it smaller in scale and put it on Disney+.

As George Lucas always intended, Star Wars is for children. However, all ages adore it and while there are books, comics and movies for older fans, a war based TV show following one squadron and aimed at adults is exactly what Disney+ needs.

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