10 Disney+ Star Wars Shows That Disney Need To Make

2. Rebels Follow Up

Darth Vader Inquisitor


Make it animated, give it to Dave Filoni and give Star Wars fans the follow up to Rebels. Seeing Sabine, Ahsoka and possibly the rest of the surviving members of the Ghost squaron search the galaxy for Ezra (and subsequently Grand Admiral Thrawn) is more likely to happen than not. However, it would be far more satisfying to see these events unfold on screen rather than on a page.

To fans' knowledge, the whereabouts of Ezra and Thrawn are unknown, that means exploration from two of Star Wars' best female characters. It also means finding out what the pair of enemies have been doing for the past few years as they have presumably been stuck in each others company.

The thought of a character as fantastic as Thrawn surviving beyond the empire is mouth watering. Plus, more Ahsoka Tano content is always a good thing. This story arguably deserves a movie, but save the movies for the individual characters.

A Disney+ series which diverts away from the more child based style programming Rebels was prone to and move into a style more similar to The Clone Wars is just what is needed for this story.

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