7. Steve McQueen and Christian Bale

In Steve McQueen's two movies so far - Hunger and Shame - his lead characters have been intense men played by Michael Fassbender. Those roles were incredibly demanding both physically and psychologically and nobody loves a challenge like that more than Christian Bale. After he lost 63lbs for his role in The Machinist, everything is else is easy in comparison. McQueen's films are challenging and intimate dramas that rely on great performances so the type of thing Bale would be perfect for now he's finished prancing around as Batman. A collaboration between the two would also be the perfect platform to elevate McQueen's status in the film world as well as the perfect opportunity for Bale to re-establish himself as a daring actor after his more commercial movements of late. A collaboration between the pair would no doubt be emotionally exhausting, but then again, we wouldn't expect anything less from these two great artists.