10 Dreariest Film Sequels Released In 2016 (So Far)
7. Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice
Put two superheroes together, pump the budget up to $250 million and full steam ahead. That’s pretty much the attitude this movie has, and it never slows down to question its choices or justify its existence.
BvS has a real shot at being the dourest, most humourless Superman of them all, which works fine if the intent was to distance the character from Richard Donner’s movie, but is it really an improvement? One thing’s certain: Jesse Eisenberg’s nervy, twitchy take on Lex Luthor doesn’t rival our memories of Gene Hackman in the role.
The first “flop” to gross $872 million, Batman Vs Superman is really no better or worse than Man Of Steel (make of that what you will) though it does cast doubt on DC’s ability to make good comic book movies without Christopher Nolan. Then again, if they abandon their current course they'll probably attempt to “lighten the mood” by creating another Superman III or Catwoman.