10 Dumb Decisions In Star Wars We Can't Forgive

Whose idea was it to bring back Palpatine again?

Snoke Star Wars

Star Wars as a multi-platform brand might objectively be the most divisive form of pop culture ever conceived. For over forty years, it has been an imprint on epic nerd culture and for better or worse, has defined and inspired so many childhoods across the generations that it is truly wondrous to behold.

From films to video games and all the way to festivals and themed weddings, there is almost nothing fans won't rejoice and enjoy about these epic sci-fi films.

But that's not to say it's been perfect. Over time, cracks have started to show in the Stormtrooper armor that is Star Wars canon and no matter how much fans try to justify or explain the lore to themselves, we have to throw our hands up and admit that there are some decisions filmmakers have made that just don't sit well at all.

Some of them don't make sense - others are embarrassingly ham-fisted. And then there's a handful of choices that are SO contrived, that fans have to wonder if maybe the creators themselves secretly had beef with the series.


10. Episodes VII - IX: Not Even Trying To Use New Characters

Snoke Star Wars

This decision is less of about the narrative of the Star Wars films and more of a choice made by the studios, but it's such a frustrating shame that Disney's new trilogy of films introduced a whole banquet of characters that were quickly forgotten.

Whether it was Maz Kanata, Supreme Leader Snoke, Captain Phasma or The Knights of Ren, what disappointed both devout and casual fans of Star Wars was that they were introduced to new characters that ultimately meant nothing.

The more cynical minded among you would probably identify these characters as shameless merchandising cash grabs, and only serve to re-enforce the idea that the new generation of Star Wars is less about telling a great story, and more about making as much money as possible.

Dangling entirely new stories in front of audiences and fans, only to snatch them away and give us safe retreads, was a senseless creative decision by the studios.

If it didn't confuse fans, it certainly confirmed their suspicions that not only were there no fresh ideas for the new trilogy, but that anyone given creative freedom in the writer's room wanted to play it safe (except Rian Johnson).

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!