10 Dumb Mistakes That Killed Horror Movie Characters

6. Megan Fake-Kills Herself - Sorority Row

In 2009's trashy slasher Sorority Row, Megan (Audrina Patridge) enlists the help of her sorority sisters to pull a prank on her boyfriend Garrett (Matt O'Leary). Megan fakes her death during sex, and Garrett and her friends bring Megan to a lake, where, in the process of dumping her body, Garrett buries a four-arm wrench deep into Megan's chest.

While some may be inclined to place the blame for this on Jessica (Leah Pipes), who convinces Garrett that the air needs to be let out of Megan's lungs if she's to sink to the bottom of the lake and stay there, Megan should have known better.

Never mind the immorality of convincing someone – never mind your boyfriend, during sex! – that you have died, the sheer stupidity of such a move is beggars belief. Sure, Garrett was cheating on her. Sure, she wanted to teach him a lesson. But maybe trying to expose him in a Mean Girls style comedy montage might have been the better option.

At least nobody would be getting dumped in the bottom of a mine shaft with a hole in their chest. Or so we have to assume.

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