10 Dumb Mistakes That Killed Horror Movie Characters

4. Addison Fists The Razor Box - Saw II

As horror movies go, Saw II (2005) is near the bottom of the barrel, but as Saw sequels go, it's gold standard.

The franchise is riddled with questionable characters making questionable decisions, but none perhaps more so than Saw II's resident addict Addison Corday (Emmanuelle Vaugier).

Trapped in a spooky murder house by Jigsaw (Tobin Bell), Addison and group of similarly socially and ethically compromised ne'er-do-wells must forge, fight and think their way through all manner of grisly traps and tests. After separating herself from the group – never a smart move in a horror film – Addison declines the opportunity for some critical thinking when faced with a clear box containing two hand holes and the antidote she needs to survive a serious dose of toxic nerve gas.

Without listening to the tape left for her, Addison goes ahead and jams her hand up in there, spilling the antidote and becoming trapped by razor blades slicing into her wrist. Her solution? Jam a second hand in beside it.

This didn't have to be her end though. She could have reached over with one arm and pulled back the blades to free herself, before using the freed hand to push the blades out from under the other side. But, hey, that's just logic, right?

No, instead she died screaming, writhing and bleeding and screaming...

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