10 Dumb Movies With Genius Plot Twists

4. "Angela" Is The Killer - Sleepaway Camp

Saw V
United Film Distribution

This 1983 slasher movie would've been quickly forgotten as one of the many uninspired Friday the 13th knock-offs were it not for a shocking final plot twist which has allowed it to live on in infamy ever since.

Up until its final two minutes, Sleepaway Camp is a lousy F13 facsimile rife with terrible dialogue, worse acting, and slack filmmaking, but with its game-changing big reveal it becomes something else entirely.

The final scene not only reveals that protagonist Angela (Felissa Rose) is the killer, but that Angela in fact has a penis, having been born as Peter yet forced to live as a girl by her aunt, after the real Angela died in a boating accident years prior.

It was a totally unique twist at the time of its release and one which remains impressively shocking today, elevating an otherwise braindead horror movie into the upper echelons of the slasher sub-genre.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.