10 Dumb Movies With Genius Plot Twists

5. Suzie Was The Secret Criminal Mastermind - Wild Things

Saw V
Columbia Pictures

It might be fair to call 1998 neo-noir Wild Things a "smart-dumb" movie, because as shamelessly idiotic as its litany of melodramatic, soap opera-y twists and turns are, it at least seems to be somewhat in on the joke.

It's a movie with a dozen double-crosses in it, enough that by the time it reaches its bonkers conclusion, audiences know one thing: expect the unexpected.

Even so, few would've predicted that the ending would reveal the criminal mastermind to be none other than Suzie Toller (Neve Campbell), the outcast protagonist who is believed to have been killed earlier in the film.

When Suzie re-emerges and saves Sam's (Matt Dillon) life by killing Sgt. Duquette (Kevin Bacon), audiences probably believe they've seen the movie's final twist play out.

But moments later, Sam dies after consuming a drink poisoned by Suzie, leaving her as the last one standing.

Better still, a number of scenes peppered throughout the credits reveal the full extent of Suzie's evil genius, proving she was playing a coldly calculated ruse from the very beginning.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.