10 Dumb Villain Schemes Even A Child Could Have Stopped
8. Terry Silver - The Karate Kid, Part III
The Plan: Terry Silver, a multi-millionaire toxic waste dumper, decides to put that excursion on hold so he can get sweet revenge on an 18-year-old Karate Kid, along with the elderly maintenance man in his corner. The Flaw: Talk about having your perspectives out of whack. Anyone demented enough to stop making mad money to play-fight with a kid clearly has issues, and that's very much the point. If Thomas Ian Griffith's hilariously over-the-top performance doesn't make it clear, this is a man derailed by his own ridiculous delusion. He tries to cheat to defeat Daniel in the end, but his evident insanity means that he was never going to be a match for the kid. Plus, given his outside operation, it never really seemed like his heart was in it anyway.